1821 Back Creek Church Road Charlotte, NC 28213
(LIVESTREAM | youtube.com/backcreekchurch)
welcome to back creek
last SUNDAY'S service
We meet weekly for worship on Sundays at 10:30 am.
Live-streaming is available for those who need it, with services archived at youtube.com/backcreekchurch
Felos Adult Bible study group meets at 9:15 am
in the Family Life Center-Cochran Room.
Jesus, in Matthew 6:19
We believe the good news about Jesus creates an
uncommon community of hope called "the Church."
Back Creek Church seeks to connect people of all kinds with that transforming hope - through the people we meet, the teaching we receive, the worship in which we engage, and the mission to which we are called.
At Back Creek, we pursue hope through deep connection with God, with one another, with our neighbors, and with the nations. It would be our privilege to welcome you.