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REAL HOPE. DEEP CONNECTION. FULL ENGAGEMENT. WIDE REACH. These are the values that drive our mission of connecting people with the hope of the Gospel and define the various ministries of our church. We want people to find real hope in Jesus as they connect deeply with Him, with one another, with their neighbors and with the nations. 

God cares deeply about children and we do too! At Back Creek, kids learn to trust Jesus and apply the real hope of the Gospel to their lives. They have opportunities to connect with caring adult leaders and one another in dynamic, fun, creative, educational, and relevant environments:


KIDSWORSHIP. (age 3 - 2nd grade) Sundays, during the message. Goal: Education - Kids learn about worship, what we do and why we do it.


AMAZING MONDAYS: for 3rd-5th graders from 10am to noon in the FLC-Gym during summer break.  Check back for dates when they become available.



Some of the greatest things God has done in the history of the world have been through teenagers. Our hope is that students at Back Creek would develop a deep and maturing connection with God that will launch them into college, career, and adult life with a firm foundation. We don't want to merely graduate students, we want to commission them to go into their next mission field and make disciples of Jesus. 


SUNDAY MORNINGS: Sunday School for all students followed by corporate Worship.


SUNDAY NIGHTS: High School Student Ministry at 6pm.


CAMPS & CONFERENCES: Horizon and Quest


MISSIONS: Connect Charlotte



Connecting with people is the goal of our outreach. We want to love our neighbors as ourselves in service and hospitality, to meet their needs, and to point them to the real hope found in Jesus Christ. This happens in our own homes, workplaces, neighborhoods, and community, as well as through Back Creek's Outreach Events, Outreach Programs, and the local ministries and missionaries we support with prayer and finances. 

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Deep Connection is the theme of Adult Ministry at Back Creek. We want adults of all ages to experience deep connection with God and with one another. We believe our faith, our service to Christ, and our care for others thrive in authentic community. Adult Ministry includes Community Groups and Back Creek Midweek, Women's Ministry, and Men's Ministry. 

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Jesus calls us to GO and make disciples. At Back Creek, we love the nations and want to see all tribes, languages, nations, and people groups connected with the hope of the Gospel. We participate in missions by going (short-term), sending (through financial support), and praying. 

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